Report of Oversase Training Kyoto Perfecture

Education has a vital role to ensure the survival of the state and nation, because education is a vehicle to improve and develop quality human resources. Utilization of information technology in education is very beneficial to the advancement of education in Indonesia.
The influence of information and communication technology for education, especially in the learning process. With the growing use of information and communication technology there are five shifts in the learning process, namely:
1. The shift from training to performance,
2. The shift from classroom to where and anytime,
3. The shift from paper to the "on line",
4. The shift from physical facilities to a network of facilities,
5. The shift of the cycle time to real time.
As an educational medium of communication is done by using communication media such as telephones, computers, internet and e-mail. Interaction between teachers and students not only done through face-to-face relationships, but also done using these media. Given today's information technology teacher can provide service without having to deal directly with students. Similarly, students can earn in a broad scope of information from various sources through cyber space or virtual space by using a computer or the internet. The most recent is the development of so-called "cyber teaching" or teaching of cyberspace, ie the process of teaching is done by using the internet. Another term that is increasingly poluper current e-learning is a learning model using the medium of communication and information technology particularly the internet.

Oversase Training is held on June 27, 2011 until July 6, 2011 on cooperation between Dikpora DIY, JICA and the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, Kyoto Japan is not without reason. Japan is the developed countries in various areas of life such as: political, economic, social, cultural, technological and so forth. Progress that Japan has of course affected the means and prsarana and the quality of education in the country. For the State of Japan's education is a tool whose role is crucial in order to improve Human Resources. Where the quality of education should be improved because it can determine the quality of Human Resources in a state itself. Education is expected to develop the ability and temperament of each individual in the midst of civilization. Japan is considered superior in advancing education in the country diamana Japan elected as the country with the quality and the best education systems in Asia and since 1970 the country recorded Sunrise is able to carry out any purposes of education that has been the introduction only in the past 25 years.

Selection of Kyoto as a destination city Oversase Training as judged Kyoto has many similarities with the Special Region of Yogyakarta as a city of education. Judging from its geographical position, Kyoto is located on the island of Honshu. Kyoto is a city of culture, because in this city there are many historic sites and cultural relics, especially the temples are still awake, so Kyoto was dubbed the city of thousand temples. Kyoto also had been the capital of Japan as well as DIY once the capital of State of Indonesia. Some of the similarities that make its twin city called DIY Kyoto.
Participants Oversase Training consists of six elementary school teachers and junior high school teachers from five counties and cities in the province of DIY and assisted directly by the Head of Education and Sports as well as DIY and some of Kasi delegation from the Ministry of Communications and Informatics and consultant from Jakarta, so in total there are 26 people. Training implementation Oversase greatest hope is to implement ICT in education, especially in Yogyakarta and Indonesia in general, so improving the quality of education in Indonesia can be realized immediately.


1. Utilization of ICT in learning
Learning should be fun and stimulate the imagination and creativity of students for the purpose of learning can be optimal. The use of multi-method and multi-media is very helpful to improve learning outcomes. Marriage of information technology with audio visual technology result in new features that can be utilized in education. Multi-media based learning (technology involving text, images, sound and video) can present the subject matter more interesting, not monotonous, and facilitate delivery. Students can study a particular subject matter independently with a computer equipped multi-media program.

Based on observations in Kyoto, the utilization of information technology in learning, among others:
a. Finding the source of information for teachers through the internet and intranet
b. Teaching aids for teachers, making learning more interesting
c. Learning activities for students through a network (LAN)
d. Access the school website and government website
e. Displaying materials / subject matter that can be accessed by teachers and students through the Internet and intranets.

Almost all classrooms in existing schools in Kyoto have been equipped with ICT facilities. The facility such as computers, large TV, LCD projectors and electronic boards. Almost 100% of teachers in Japan have been using ICT tools in learning. Students in Japan are also able to use ICT tools in learning activities in class, as do the presentation. Awareness of teachers to use ICT in learning is very high so that the learning that happens to be very attractive to students.

2. Knowledge of e-Learning for Education

Implementation of e-Learning in teaching in Kyoto using blanded learning system. Teachers in learning to mix between conventional learning with learning elektronic. The role of permanent teachers as facilitators, learning resources, learning management, demonstrator, mentor, motivator, and evaluator. So the ICT function as a tool in facilitating and maximizing the delivery of course materials.

E-learning is a form of information technology application in education in the form of virtual schools. Through e-learning to learn is no longer limited by space and time. Learning can be done anytime and anywhere. Creativity-based self-study students who carried out through e-learning encourages students to analyze and synthesize knowledge, explore, process and utilize information, to produce writings, information and knowledge itself. Students are encouraged to explore science.

e-Learning is done through the Internet network, so that the source of learning not only teachers but who are in different hemispheres. Facilities that can be used by students to learn through e-Learning include: e-book, e-library, interaction with experts, emaill, mailling lists, News groups, Worl Wide Web (www.) and others. Implementation of e-Learning can be done by various parties. Schools should be able to hold its own e-Learning. Simply e-Learning can be implemented by teachers to create their own sites or sites that linked schools with sites related to the lesson. Site teacher / school can be filled with subject matter that can be visualized, tasks and evaluation.

In Kyoto the materials uploaded on the internet or intranet provided by the government with kerjasamasama with the manufacturers of teaching materials so that teachers and students in Kyoto lived alone for free access.

Systems and policies elementary school / junior high schools in Kyoto Japan

Kyoto school shall apply to children aged 6 to 15 years. Each child in elementary school at the age of 6 years to 12 years, then junior high until the age of 15 years. Kyoto does not know the system live classes so all students will definitely go up a class. If there are some students whose value has not reached the minimum requirement, then the teacher must guide them through to completion. Compulsory education organized by the government is free to all children, especially school fees and books. For tools lessons, activities outside of school, picnics and lunches at school need to pay for itself. but for children from poor families received special assistance from central and local governments. In addition there is also support for learning needs, health care, and others. A child who has been required to complete primary school continue their education to junior high school level. Thus, schools must be taken for 9 years, 6 years in elementary school and 3 years in junior high. As for private schools then all the costs of education borne by parents of students who range ¥ 1.000.000/tahun or equivalent to Rp 100.000.000/tahun per student.

In Kyoto policies of government can not pick and choose schools. Each child must choose a school that is in its own country rather than the quality of each school. Students are not free to choose a preferred school but has been determined by the government to go to school in the school closest to home.
Elementary and junior high education level has a curriculum that has been determined by the Japanese Ministry of Education, but schools and teachers are given the freedom to develop such materials. Subjects for grade I and II consist of reading books, Japanese language, mathematics, music, and skills. As for classes III to the above plus a science lesson (Science) and social sciences. Once almost all the students in Japan learn English since the first year of junior high, and most studied for at least 6 years. But this was 3 years of English lessons are taught in elementary school and they also bring native speakers from America. Compulsory subject in junior high is the Japanese language, social sciences, mathematics, science, music, fine arts, physical education, family welfare and education. Various subjects are given at different times every day for a week so there is rarely the same timetable on different days

2. Culture, attitudes / habits and lifestyles of the Japanese
a. Few Talk Much Work
That's the Japanese culture that has been deeply felt when we began to enter the Kansai Airport. Officials did not say much, they are more likely to work than a lot of talk here and there so that at Kansai airport tend to be deserted and quiet. No more hustle and bustle of such a market.
b. Discipline time
Planting culture of discipline is very pronounced in Japan. Time is so valuable that time discipline is the main thing. Discipline time means on time as scheduled no more and no less. As an example when we visited a school in Kyoto, we are coming too quickly and a half hours then we risk having to wait on the bus or walk once looking for some fresh air. Significant time in Japan, even the school has always invited us to the toilet before the show starts so that when the event there is nothing out of the room, because usually the room will be locked.
c. Culture of reading
Reading culture has been inculcated since the age of the children. The book has become a necessity for the Japanese society. They used to fill spare time by reading books, such as in train, at lunch even though that is read is a magazine, newspaper or comic.
d. Culture queued
Queued ingrained culture of Japanese society so that under no circumstances they will still queuing up neatly and politely. Not allowed to fight each other and even precede it in terms of eating, shopping or driving on the road.
e. Honest Culture
Although only 5-7% of Japanese people are very religious but they hold honesty. They believed in reincarnation, so if they do worse then when they die they will be reincarnated into animals. They are very uphold honesty. If the goods we are left in public places like trains, we need not worry because our goods will not be lost. Even in the stores many items on display was taken away without fear of people because not guarded.
f. Very Careful
Japanese society is very careful about everything. So do not be surprised if every red light, every intersection and every hallway looks the camera so it took a lot of every crime that occurs will terekan by CCTV which they attach. They are also very cautious in speaking, they're afraid of because it always wants to look perfect,
g. Very Respect Privacy
Japan Society would appreciate the privacy of others. We are not allowed to arbitrarily take photos of others without their permission. We also should not be carelessly upload their photos to the internet, except with their permission. As for pictures of children that is uploaded on the internet have not seen his face.
h. Highly Effective and Efficient
Japanese society is very effective and efficient. They do not like extravagance. If you go near them would prefer to walk or ride a bike, so that pollution can be minimized. Even so amazed is the condition of parking in front of the governor of Kyoto, not the cars or motorcycles that littered but a lot of bicycles only. That suggests that pejabatpun prefer to walk or ride a bike if the office than on using the car or motorcycle.
i. Workhorse
Japanese society in general workhorse. All work is done with heart and sincerity. Their working hours on average in one day about 9-12 hours.
j. Lovers of Automation Technology
Japanese society is very loving automation technology. Lots of equipment that already use automation technology, ranging from water faucet sink, toiled son, doors and so on. Everything is already installed sensors, so it is easier for people.
k. Love Culture National Language
Japanese society is very loving national language is Japanese, so rarely encountered Japanese who is fluent in English. New last 3 years to open up Japan to learn English. Many places in Japan always use Japanese with kanji.

1. Hashimoto Elementary School
Primary schools' Hashimoto Elementary Scholl "in located in Yawata City, Kyoto. Condition is very clean and tidy school because every person who entered the complex must remove shoes and slippers are provided to replace with the school. This is done to keep the classrooms clean, because the slippers are only used in space alone.
One of the interesting things in Hashimoto Elementary Scholl is the policy of the government's Kyoto that no student who does not grade. If students do not reach the standard value then the teacher must guide the student until the student can achieve the value of a standardized school.
Another policy adopted Kyoto government that new admissions are not based on performance / value but based interventions. Students who received priority close to the school or the school is located in the region. This will not lead to intense competition in the recruitment of new students. In Hashimoto Scholl Elementary students are not worried about starving while home from school at 16.00 because there promptly at 12:00 noon for lunch. This cost is borne lunch parents. While the overall education costs borne by the state but only to public schools. Private schools average annual pay of about 1 million yen, equivalent to 100 million dollars. Not bad for the people of Indonesia.
Learning that there was very interactive class taught by classroom teachers though. The use of ICT can be seen when we visited the study conducted in the computer lab. They use the LAN to the interaction between students and teachers. It's for the children is very attractive because they can build their opinion. And here appears once discipline is applied. Even in work assignments, the teacher set the timer so the time is just right.

One more almost forgotten, It is done in Hashimoto habituation Elementary Scholl very good. Besides the children left to go walking, lunch every day, they are also accustomed to always brush your teeth after lunch. Always pray before eating though just to say "itadakimase" (Thanks Food), thanks to the food. Finished eating places to eat should be returned separately. For students Hashimoto Elementary Scholl seen they do not use school uniforms like most schools in junior and senior high schools in Japan

When viewed from the side of technology, is most schools in Japan using automatic faucets so that no waste water. Even water from the health side kranpun sterile so it's ready to drink anytime. There is another interesting thing in terms of health and social life in Hashimoto Elementary Scholl, where students commute to school by foot, although the distance of their home about 1-2 km. They should go home in groups and together so that a review of the social life very much. None of the students who use a bike let alone a car shuttle. If it turns out to house their parents have not until their homes can visit the Kid's Garden (where to eat, and play kids).

2. Kyoto Perfecture Government Office

Kyoto Perfecture Government Office is the Office of Government Perfecture Tokyo. Government Office Perfecture Kyoto atmosphere seems very discipline and simplicity is applied. Come and go should be timely, arriving early is not good especially late. Anyway according to the rules and schedule.

In Kyoto page Perfecture Government Office car park is not a row of luxury cars, but bikes that look precisely lined-row. There are only a few cars and several motorcycles only. It seems once the contrast when we are in the ground water is very hard to find a bike in the parking office of governor. There are only guests and the motor car owner's office. In Japan it seems people including officials prefer to use the bike when going to the office. So that air pollution is really not felt in Kyoto.

Government Office Building Perfecture Kyoto beautiful but seem grandiose, are older than 350 years it still seems solid, and restoration has not been seen here and there. With a few Sakura trees towering in the front yard and the office of the governor's office seems to make it look more lush. Moreover flowers appear throughout the pages of this office decorate, add fragrant scent and odor in the eyes.

Overview of the technology side, almost all the doors in the office is already using the sensor, so we need not bother to open and close the door. A tremendous breakthrough, because in Yogyakarta not many offices that use the automatic doors.

Education is obligatory in Kyoto is 9 years old, is 6 years in primary school and 3 years in junior high. All costs of providing education in government schools is free of charge or free. But for private school education costs approximately 1000.000 yen per year or the equivalent of 100 million dollars. Which organized the public school lunch every day, fees charged to parents by the school cook fixed costs do not attract any charge.

3. Miyako Ecology Center
Ecological museum which was founded 199 years of concern about environmental issues. Local governments are requiring schools to students visiting the museum once a year. This museum program is to instill and cultivate awareness for caring for the environment. Way is doing the learning in realistic, so the children can think their way, which raised awareness of the importance of maintaining within the environment. Museum managers also make the books relating to the environment for consumption of school children. And also created tools that use energy sources from the surrounding environment, for example solar power.

Manager of the museum makes books about the environment that can be consumed by school children. They also created tools that utilize alternative energy sources, eg solar energy absorption in the panels connected by cables and tools can be utilized to drive the robot toy.

Local governments are requiring schools to students visiting the museum once a year this ecology. Ecological museum is a museum concerned with environmental issues. This museum has a goal to instill awareness and foster environmental awareness. Visitors are invited to see the facts that occurred that had been done, and the consequences that arise. It is expected there will be a personal awareness of the importance of maintaining the environment. For example: how to wash hands less true as we do it without us knowing it has wasted too much water.
4. ITEC (Information Technology Education Centre)
ITEC is a place used as a teacher training center in Kyoto, the building facilities are very complete, especially electronic equipment. Listen to the explanation of the work program of ITEC and existing facilities at ITEC. There is a space to store materials / teaching materials both electronic and book learning. ITEC also provides consultation services for teachers who have problems during the learning process, the consultant is a retired school principal.

Network that connects all the computers in perfecture Kyoto. Mirae NET facilitates perfecture schools in Kyoto to develop a web network of each school.

Education Information (Johoka) held in Kyoto in the community are:
1. How to use the information for children.
2. The use of ICT in the classroom for teachers
3. School information for teachers.
Standard Guide content of information education in Japan, 236 pages. These guidelines were created based on the notion of society. With menggukan information technology is expected to be implemented at the community as :
1. Use of IT for kids
2. IT for teachers in the delivery of learning material
3. Use of IT buntuk school affairs

The guide is based on guidelines and strategies for learning in Japan. Ministry of education make use of IT Checklist annually to evaluate the use of IT by the public in Japan. With Checlist can be known how far the use of ICT for teachers. Annually conducted surveys to determine the needs of schools for education.

The use of ICT in schools The use of ICT in Kyoto on 13 years ago a computer used for the 13 people then the next year the number of computers reproduced two times. As for the use of computers for the teachers three years ago was still 33.4 per cent and this year has provided a computer can be a teacher (100%). But the Internet connection speed at the fastest Perfecture Kyoto in Japan and every school already has an internet connection.

In Kyoto there perefectur course the use of ICT including the creation Homepage, but very little so that the trainees are also very few. Elderly Especially teachers usually do not want to go the course. Their ability helped by young teachers. But even so Perfectur Kyoto remains committed to advancing the use of ICT.

Courses are held at ITEC is a teacher a school so that teachers can deploy to other teachers. This problem with the government in Yogyakarta. Excluding the teachers of private (meaning only the teachers who teach in public schools designated to attend the training. While the private schools who wish to participate in the ITEC training actually free, while transportation costs to be borne alone. All free training while transportation costs financed by the Kyoto Perfekture . Including teacher training for 1 year at ITEC also financed by the Japanese government.

Total number of private elementary schools in Japan just 200 from 22,000 the number of primary schools in Japan. While private junior high school there are 700 of 10,700 junior high schools in Japan. There are benefits from private schools while the Japanese government for the costs incurred are borne own parents. No sponsors, just a subsidy from the Japanese government. The cost of education at private schools on average in Japan is 1 million yen per year, equivalent to 100 million dollars per year.

Examples of the use of ICT in learning in schools: is the use of a small camera inside, while reading the story the teacher can show pictures on the screen. The use of cameras by students in pairs to read the book and give each other feedback. In Kyoto there is at least one electronic whiteboard in a single school, even though anyone have any more.

Moral education through informasiyang must be observed to avoid:
1. email chain / chain letters, not good, because sometimes there is a slander, so that previously well children can turn into a bad / harmful to others.
2. Playing games, but kids must create a profile. There are also adults who pretend to be kids in the game.
3. Piracy of patents
4. Liar / Fraud
5. Incorrect information
6. Victimization profile information
7. computer viruses
8. Physical and psychological health damage
In Japan, many young teachers, so that in making learning materials more easily. On the DVD there are 75 proposals of learning. This DVD has been sent 24 and 29 junior high schools for distribution. Each school can teach under the guidance package. CD for reference not for student teachers.
Until now to set a pretty good achievement for pupils so that the students were told of practical exercises, such as the calculation only (drill matter). Fill in all exercises included in the DVD.

If the teaching conveyed as class 4 but but ga ideologies then lowered his class level. But the video is a teacher teaching a student. So that all students are expected to learn all the stages / levels of learning. To exercise the students about the first printed and distributed to students. While the results of students' work. Problem already have a lock so that students can judge for themselves the results of his work.

Activity of learning English in Elementary Scholl in Japan began in earnest since last 3 years. The first objective look at children's learning in Japan, is faster to teach English because it is easier to adapt to different cultures. The second with the development of the necessary development globallisasi so they can accept whatever developments that occurred abroad. The third goal is to increase educational ability / achievement in English.

The second is there to motivate and provide a fun challenge for children. The third is the importance of language in particular is the national language. Yang keeempat is to deepen the Japanese language, so that if students understand a foreign language the students know the importance of mother tongue (Japanese). New this year are taught in classes 5 and 6 for 35 hours per year per class. Elementary stages, touch and communication skills, while the SMP is the ability to communicate with 4 hours per week while school is also developing the ability to communicate with practical exercises. High school students told to submit opinions to the interlocutor. Students are also given basic expressions asing.Yang language conducted by the Department of Foreign Languages:
1. Conduct foreign language training to teachers
2. Creating a DVD learning of English teachers in elementary school

ITEC is of considerable concern in the discipline, particularly time. The lesson begins right on schedule and stops on schedule. Even for the toiled is only allowed during breaks or before class just so that participants have to maintain the condition itself. The door will be locked so that participants can not get out into the room casually, should be on schedule.

At ITEC all the staff good and friendly, they just do not talk much, all busy with their work instead of chat that is not clear. At ITEC became taboo when talking and laughing out loud because it would disturb the neighborhood. At ITEC also not allowed to take photographs, video or roam everywhere. Unless there is specific permission.

4. Tsutsujigaoka Minami Elementary School
Hygiene in Tsutsujigaoka Minami Elementary School are concerned, special slippers for the teacher, so go put your shoes in the school room on the shelf and replace them with slippers, while students use special shoes inside, and shoes from the house in place on the shelf. Slippers to enter the room should have removed all facing out.

System and method of learning in Tsutsujigaoka Minami Elementary School is very interesting and interactive. Britain is an interactive language learning, taught by two teachers a native speaker from the United States that use full English and a teacher of English from Japanese using Japanese and English so that students are more quickly understood.

Almost all classes in Tsutsujigaoka Minami Elementary School has been using Electric Board making learning more interesting for students. Learning English, though there are no native speakers, they still can listen to native speakers sound quite pressing the touch, able to write well. Important parts in the book can also be underlined, dibulati. Lesson 1 with a grade math, children can write directly on the screen. After becoming commonplace because the teacher taught so that children can write their own. Seumpanya also be covered. Kids can make the intuition as did the TV quiz.

Experienced teachers more professional. Young teachers more expert in using ICT, so that if combined would be more enjoyable lesson. Electric Board usage simplify doing everything, the children also preferred.

In Japan there is a group of ICT helpers, this te Tsutsujigaoka belapi Minami Elementary School has been no pebantu ICT so that teachers themselves are prepared course materials. Teachers should think about how it goes. In Japan the use of ICT to increase children's achievement. 100% of teachers use ICT in all schools because EP is used as a blackboard, there are in each class so no need to move around. If any teacher who does not understand, students will be taught how to use.
In second grade student computer lab has been able to use a computer, can create animated, can make a broadcast to the school. Class 1 have been taught about ICT. There are 390 pupils, there are 30 students perkelas. They take turns to use the computer. Minami Elementary School School Tsutsujigaoka connect with other schools with an intranet. There are 27 PS and YHS so they can see through the television. Maybe if I can be able to communicate with Yogyakarta, but there are language barriers. Tests downloaded another school teacher makes, a lot of material that can be taken to intranet.

One of the interesting rules in Tsutsujigaoka Minami Elementary School is a ban on using the internet if there is no teacher who stayed, so it is more easily monitored. Test still writing, but to learn to be online. Since the use of ICT, increased expression of surplus children. Application of ICT in addition to using the Electric Board they use computers. Pupils can be discussion in small groups, pass.
5. Oyamazaki Junior High School
Cleanliness of each room in Oyamazaki Junior High School is awake. Areas are fairly well known from the first, and development is very advanced. Area here is very very good area, there are 150 thousand inhabitants green. There are 2 SD and a his junior. Students who elajar in elementary and junior high schools there are 1200 people. I hope this program will succeed

Students in Oyamazaki Junior High School there are 400 people. Each level there are four classes and there are special classes. This area is the border of Kyoto and Osaka area so the teachers many datag from Kyoto and Osaka. Lots of history about the area here. Residents around here are very active on pendididkan so they expect their children to school here. The question of murid2nya very pious, if they are very active in sports. Now we will talk about how children's education.

Schools strongly recommend the use of ICT, moral as well as information about how to run the government's information. And in Japanese society must have a computer. Computers in the family there is an internet connection. Versatility is very high. But they must not take the HP.

One facility in Oyamazaki Junior High School used the pool for training children's pool, and a rope to save himself if sinking exercises.

Library system using the online system so that all library circulation using a computer and barcode so that it will greatly facilitate lending and borrowing services. Perspustakaan at school is so neat, clean, and sophisticated. The library is also connected to an online bookstore, so it can be easier if there is a new book information

Computer systems in schools Server is in the staffroom. Each teacher has a laptop and be connected with the server. There are two color printer and black. To be able to faxs and color scans. Each teacher has their own section. There is a special discussion with the students. Inserted into the computer hard drive. Although the teacher should move to another school, but the data is still in school. Can also to see the achievements of pupils at the school. Each teacher has their own parts.

All the achievements are collected in one file and stored for 5 years. School website at Mirainet, while the server is in the staffroom due to different line. While the report achievement to parents is to print out. Problems in school are not all teachers can use computers

Instructional media created Benece Corporation (makers of famous software in Japan) and financed by the Board of Education. While teachers made the school website. Materials subjects determined by the government. The books are determined the Board of Education and is taught to students. Board of Education is the foundation or who founded the school. In government there is the Minister of Education and the Underneath the Board of Education. Board of Education was given the freedom to develop education. Board of Education in areas including Kyoto.

Evaluation / report cards were distributed four months. In Japan there are no national exams. Japanese education system is automated grade students, junior 3-year graduation. If there is no term public school is not the next grade, because compulsory education only up to junior high. After junior high schools are free to choose. If the test passes then it could choose a cheaper state school. To standardize the curriculum and state education provides a way of teaching kurikulim determined by the school and all the same in Japan. When receiving the child, the child was matched with the atmosphere. Almost all the same no difference.

Public school or public school must fit the area and should not be choosy school. Children do not have the right to choose schools. All societies require schools to teach their children well. There are also special there is also a class of its own. Saturday weeks of permanent teachers came to sports.

In Japan there is a test of state: State / private sector should participate, not mandatory, because they have to pay. Later that champions will be broadcast lewan national newspapers. In Japan there is supervisior but not supervise but provide the policy.

6. Educational Center Miki City, Hyogo Prefecture
Miki City Education Center located in Hyogo Prefecture, adjacent to the Kyoto Prefecture. Of our officers to get an explanation of how the Internet system in Hyogo. Internet network from the Prefecture to the Department of Education, proceed to schools. From schools to transmit data to the Department of Education primarily on achievement and child health
This place is where ICT training for teachers with a customized level. Thus, teachers are expected to apply at their respective schools. Use of the web site is expected to describe the development of education in Japan.
The Japanese government is very concerned education in Japan that seen with the manufacture of servers that contain the whole process as well as educational materials in Japan. So that teachers can easily access the learning material. Tuapun people can monitor their children's education development.
7. Midorigaoka Elementary School
The disciples at Midorigaoka Elementary School creative and diligent. Habituation are implanted in children as is the custom watering the flowers and plants that they planted themselves seem able to foster responsible attitudes are great.

At Midorigaoka Elementary School pembelajran dynamic looks with students who actively and attentively as well as interesting and creative teachers who are supported by ICT equipment is adequate.

Public schools in Japan also serve children with special needs and be taught separately. Teachers held a preparatory school teaching after school for at least 2 (two) hours. Subjects at school are: Japanese Language, Mathematics, Life sehari-hari/soaial, read a book. Starting grade III plus Science and Social Studies lessons. To shape the character of students is primarily done by teachers often praise the children, cleaning the table after a meal, cleaning the classroom, brush your teeth, and so on.


In the field of education
1. The use of ICT in learning in school. It is very likely be implemented in schools in the area of Yogyakarta through the Department of Education considering the education budget has now reached 20%. Things you can do is to equip schools with ICT facilities in accordance with the existing budget and gradually, train teachers to operate ICT equipment, use of ICT as a learning tool, making the learning content, making ICT-based evaluation tool, and make the school website.
2. Primary education is carried out consistently and it's free. This has been done by the government of DIY. Only problem is the cost of education in Indonesia in the form of BOS funds are disbursed are sometimes not enough to finance the growing needs of the schools use of funds plus rules are very strict boss.
3. Character education implemented consistently. It can take a look at the habituation conducted in schools, among others: should respect your friends and teacher as well as guests, lunch and brush my teeth at school, classroom cleaning, cleaning bathroom and wc, maintaining plants in the school garden, independence and courage of children in opinion and expression. It is already implemented by inserting a character in the DIY culture of the school curriculum to stay execution on the field alone.
4. Discipline. It can be seen both from the behavior of students and teachers. They really appreciate the time, always maintain the cleanliness. Placement of shoes, handbags, or umbrellas that made the place special and truly done its designation.
5. Hygiene. Very likely if the net culture that we imitate, for example with the obligations of school shoes and put the shoes on the shelf of a house provided by the school so the school will always be clean floor

In the field of culture, behavior and attitudes.

The Japanese culture and behavior that can be replicated and applied to schools in Yogyakarta, for example:
1. Discipline
2. Honest
3. Friendly
4. Respectful and helpful.
5. Loved cleanliness.
6. Always work hard and want to advance.
7. Always obey the rules together.
8. Loving the nation's cultural


4.1 for Operator Training
1. Extended training time, so that more schools can be visited.
2. It is better if the trainees are given training regarding the provision or authoring tools in making teaching materials.
3. Discussions or meetings with teachers of English propagated, so that we can communicate directly.
4. Junior High School visited plus the number.

4.2 For Central Government
1. Providing assistance in the form of ICT equipment in schools. Not all schools have sufficient ICT equipment in terms of quantity and quality.
2. Conduct training for teachers to have the capability in utilizing ICT tools as a tool of learning, making lesson content, create ICT-based evaluation tool, create a website / web blog.
3. Reviewing the school curriculum, so not too crowded, so many sciences that are not absorbed
4. Improving the welfare of teachers so that teachers expected to be more professional
5. Hold as much as possible the exchange of teachers with Japan or other more advanced countries.
6. Reviewing the implementation of the National Exam with honesty so that fraud can be minimized

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