How to Sign Up with Google Adsense

Are you ready to sign up for google adsense? OK, please follow the steps below:
  1. To sign up adsense visit to
  2. After being on the Google Adsense site, please click the dropdown button located on the top and choose Indonesian to be more in the understanding by us.
  3. Click the Register Now
  4. There are several forms that must be filled:

* Website URL [?] -> Content with a URL address mate. Example: or

* Language on the website -> click dropdownnya menu, then select the main language of the blog buddies, English or Indonesian. You can Select English

* Type of Account: [?] -> Select the individual

* Country or region: -> select the name of your country (adjusted with pal residence)

* Payee Name -> fill with the full name of my friend. This is important, not the short. example: Windu Mahmud not in so short Windu M.

* Address: -> fill with full address mate

* City: -> fill in the name of the city where my friend lived. example: Newyork

* State: -> do not need, which is specifically for American

* Postal Code: [?] -> Content with postal code

* Phone: -> fill with your phone number

* Under the policy paper, please check all to agreed treaty

* Click the Submit Information

5. Done.
6. Please wait to 2 or 3 days, you should receive an email form google adsense, that google adsense accepted or rejected your Account

Good Luck

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